When you need someone to look at a contract, but you don’t have an agent

Today’s shout-out goes to Authors Guild!!!

Recently, someone offered to buy some of the rights for DARKWEB. In all the excitement, the most burning point of freak out was that I didn’t know where to find someone with the expertise to help.

A small snippet of my anxiety spiral: Hire a lawyer? If so, how did I find one that specialized in this area? What if the lawyer cost more than the advance I was offered? Agents know contracts! Should I contact a handful of agents to see if they’d negotiate on my behalf? What if they they take me because ‘free money’ but were otherwise not a great fit? What if they won’t even take me because it’s not enough money to be worth their time?

Fortunately, I have sane friends. They recommended Authors Guild.

For the price of membership, you can access Authors Guild’s lawyers, who will look at contracts and tell you what they think.

I signed up, and a lawyer emailed me within 5 business days. They were tremendously helpful. I felt like I had someone on my side, who understood what was going on.

When the lawyer had answered all my many questions, I had a clearer grasp of the pros and cons, and felt confident in the decision to pass on signing. AHAHAHA, EMPOWERMENT. Anyway, AG. Definitely worth the price of membership, even if I never use any of their other services.